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rm_domdon67 56 / M
"Outdoor loving slighty eccentric decent fella"
Tunbridge Wells, Sussex, United Kingdom
Standard Member
Last Visit: More than 3 months
Member Since: December 10, 2008

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rm_domdon67 56/M
Tunbridge Wells, Sussex , United Kingdom
Hi, I'm a sincere, countryside loving straight forward man that enjoys cycling, gardening and a sometimes extreme sports! I enjoy cosy local pubs, good restaurants and doing things on the spur of the moment. I am not one to plan too far ahead and have do not have an extensive social diary. I like to suprise and be suprised. My temperment is one of sincerity, sometimes far too much honesty for my own good and a certain amount of passion and drive for certain people and things. I am looking for a lady that likes the outdoors like me along with may be cycling, walking or even the odd craxy extreme sport! I'm afraid I am very much attracted to slim/petite woman and if there is still any hope, a single woman, although I do realise at 41 that chance is fast diissapearing!! I am quite old fashioned in some ways and like woman that sometimes look feminine and who isnt ashamed to wear a dress, although that does not mean I am looking for a shrinking violet that wouldnt say boo to a goose......LOL My inerests are many ranging from the abbove mentioned to gardening, science, astronomy and my all consuming passion of meterology. This does not mean however I am some kind of nerd, quite the opposite, I like a drink and a reet good laf just as much as the next per! I look forward to hearing from you!!

  • 56 / male
  • Tunbridge Wells, Sussex, United Kingdom
Sexual Orientation:
Looking For:  Women
Birthdate: November 11, 1967
Travels to: Distrito Capital de Bogota
Marital Status: Single
Height: 6 ft 0 in / 182-185 cm
Body Type: Athletic
Smoking: Prefer not to say
Drinking: I'm a light/social drinker
Drugs: I don't use drugs
Education: High school graduate
Race: Caucasian
Speaks: English